01-05 Ford 4.2-Liter V6 F150 & Van Engine Complete
2001-2005 Ford F150 Trucks & Vans
Remaufactured 4.2-Liter Engine Long block assembly.
Includes block, Cylinder head(s), all internal components either Brand NEW or Remanufactured & Gasket set
Professional Grade
Original Equipment Assembled
No As needed disclaimer
100% BRAND NEW every time.
Pistons, bearings, valve train, gaskets, & no welded blocks or cylinder heads
In stock engine ships the same day
Manufacturer doesn’t assemble the new engines to go into vehicles after production has stopped
Engines are built upon microns instead of 1000th of an inch
3 Year Parts & Labor Warranty
Block Casting
Right Head Casting ZF2E-AD, YF2R-BS
Left Head Casting
Crank Casting F6E-AC
Casting Location Cam# E9fe-6250-Fax
Smog N
Years 2001-2005
Rwd, E & F Series
09124 09086A 09086B
Special Notes
Short Mains, Roller, Balance Shaft, Must Have Oil
Help info
Rwd. Includes: Valve Covers, Oil Pan, Timing Cover With Oil Pump Installed
Help info Pan, Timing Cover, Valve Covers,
INV Help
Upc Code 653517137075